Message: “21 Navigating the Fog of Addiction in Family” from Eamon Wilson

Eamon Wilson - October 21, 2017

21 Navigating the Fog of Addiction in Family

CCEF Conference:  Family

Addiction has devastating effects on all members of the family. Deceit and manipulation result in broken trust. Questions such as, “Should I let her drive the car?” or “Should I loan him $50 dollars?” can feel as though they are potentially life and death decisions. Further, the addict might seem nothing like the parent, child, or sibling you remember from years ago. What does compassion and grace look like in such circumstances? Is letting your loved one feel the full brunt of destructive behaviors ungracious, or is it the road to repentance? How do you respond when the addict points out your shortcomings, pulls for your pity, or plays to your fears? This workshop will propose a biblical understanding of addiction, and outline the guiding principals for navigating life with an addicted family member.

From Series: "CCEF Conference: Family"

Embracing the Blessing. Facing the Brokenness. Family. What image springs to your mind? Big smiles and warm hugs? Dark looks and harsh words? An empty frame and yearning for what never was and may never be? Perhaps it’s more complicated than that–maybe the smile is real, but the eyes reveal something more. Perhaps blessing and brokenness are tangled together. Or perhaps we’re troubled when we compare the snapshots in our mind with images of family immortalized by Norman Rockwell or the picture we envision of what a “Christian family” is supposed to be. But what are we to make of the fact that in all of Scripture not one single family is held up as an idealized role model? How can that be? Because the Bible is no stranger to the complexities of family. At this year’s National Conference, we’ll be exploring the ways God forms and reforms family, how he shapes and reshapes us through family. Whatever our situation or experience, whether single or married, old or young, whatever roles we play, this conference will help us face the brokenness and embrace the blessing of family. Used with permission. This recording is copyrighted by the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). This recording is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws and may not be reproduced, transmitted, displayed, prepared as a derivative work, or performed in any form without the prior written consent of CCEF. The distribution of this audio is done with full permission from CCEF. All rights reserved. For more information on classes, materials, speaking events, distance education and other services, please visit

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